--- jupytext: formats: ipynb,md:myst text_representation: extension: .md format_name: myst format_version: 0.13 jupytext_version: 1.16.1 kernelspec: display_name: Python 3 (ipykernel) language: python name: python3 --- ```{tags} calibration, zne, qiskit, basic ``` # Breaking into error mitigation with Mitiq's calibration module This tutorial helps answer the question: "What quantum error mitigation technique should I use for my problem?". The newly introduced `mitiq.calibration` module helps answer that in an optimized way, through `Benchmarks` and `Strategies`. More specifically, this tutorial covers: - Getting started with Mitiq's calibration module with ZNE - Use Qiskit noisy simulator with `FakeJakarta` as backend - Run calibration with some special settings, `RBSettings`, and logging the results ## Getting started with Mitiq ```{code-cell} ipython3 from mitiq.benchmarks import generate_rb_circuits from mitiq.zne import execute_with_zne from mitiq.zne.scaling import ( fold_gates_at_random, fold_global, fold_all ) from mitiq.zne.inference import LinearFactory, RichardsonFactory from mitiq import ( Calibrator, Settings, execute_with_mitigation, MeasurementResult, ) from qiskit_ibm_runtime.fake_provider import FakeJakartaV2 # Fake (simulated) QPU ``` ### Define the circuit to study #### Global variables Define global variables for the quantum circuit of interest: number of qubits, depth of the quantum circuit and number of shots. ```{code-cell} ipython3 n_qubits = 2 depth_circuit = 100 shots = 10 ** 4 ``` #### Quantum circuit: Randomized benchmarking (RB) We now use Mitiq's built-in `generate_rb_circuits` from the `mitiq.benchmarks` module to define the quantum circuit. ```{code-cell} ipython3 circuit = generate_rb_circuits(n_qubits, depth_circuit,return_type="qiskit")[0] circuit.measure_all() print(len(circuit)) ``` We define a function that executes the quantum circuits and returns the expectation value. This is consumed by Mitiq's `execute_with_zne`. In this example, the expectation value is the probability of measuring the ground state, which is what one would expect from an ideal randomized benchmarking circuit. ```{code-cell} ipython3 def execute_circuit(circuit): """Execute the input circuit and return the expectation value of |00..0><00..0|""" noisy_backend = FakeJakartaV2() noisy_result = noisy_backend.run(circuit, shots=shots).result() noisy_counts = noisy_result.get_counts(circuit) noisy_expectation_value = noisy_counts[n_qubits * "0"] / shots return noisy_expectation_value ``` ```{code-cell} ipython3 mitigated = execute_with_zne(circuit, execute_circuit, factory=LinearFactory([1, 3, 5])) unmitigated = execute_circuit(circuit) ideal = 1 #property of RB circuits print("ideal = \t \t",ideal) print("unmitigated = \t \t", "{:.5f}".format(unmitigated)) print("mitigated = \t \t", "{:.5f}".format(mitigated)) ``` ## Using calibration to improve the results Let's consider a noisy backend using the Qiskit noisy simulator, `FakeJakarta`. Note that the executor passed to the `Calibrator` object must return counts, as opposed to expectation values. ```{code-cell} ipython3 def execute_calibration(qiskit_circuit): """Execute the input circuits and return the measurement results.""" noisy_backend = FakeJakartaV2() noisy_result = noisy_backend.run(qiskit_circuit, shots=shots).result() noisy_counts = noisy_result.get_counts(qiskit_circuit) noisy_counts = { k.replace(" ",""):v for k, v in noisy_counts.items()} measurements = MeasurementResult.from_counts(noisy_counts) return measurements ``` We import from the calibration module the key ingredients to use `mitiq.calibration`: the `Calibrator` class, the `mitiq.calibration.settings.Settings` class and the `execute_with_mitigation` function. Currently `mitiq.calibration` supports ZNE as a technique to calibrate from, tuning different scale factors, extrapolation methods and circuit scaling methods. Let's run the calibration using an ad-hoc RBSettings while logging the results for comparison. - benchmarks: Circuit type: "rb" - strategies: use various "zne" strategies, testing various "scale_noise" methods (such as `mitiq.zne.scaling.folding.fold_global`, `mitiq.zne.scaling.folding.fold_gates_at_random`, and `mitiq.zne.scaling.folding.fold_all`), and ZNE factories for extrapolation (such as `mitiq.zne.inference.RichardsonFactory` and `mitiq.zne.inference.LinearFactory`) ```{code-cell} ipython3 RBSettings = Settings( benchmarks=[ { "circuit_type": "rb", "num_qubits": 2, "circuit_depth": int(depth_circuit / 2), }, ], strategies=[ { "technique": "zne", "scale_noise": fold_global, "factory": RichardsonFactory([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]), }, { "technique": "zne", "scale_noise": fold_global, "factory": RichardsonFactory([1.0, 3.0, 5.0]), }, { "technique": "zne", "scale_noise": fold_global, "factory": LinearFactory([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]), }, { "technique": "zne", "scale_noise": fold_global, "factory": LinearFactory([1.0, 3.0, 5.0]), }, { "technique": "zne", "scale_noise": fold_gates_at_random, "factory": RichardsonFactory([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]), }, { "technique": "zne", "scale_noise": fold_gates_at_random, "factory": RichardsonFactory([1.0, 3.0, 5.0]), }, { "technique": "zne", "scale_noise": fold_gates_at_random, "factory": LinearFactory([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]), }, { "technique": "zne", "scale_noise": fold_gates_at_random, "factory": LinearFactory([1.0, 3.0, 5.0]), }, { "technique": "zne", "scale_noise": fold_all, "factory": RichardsonFactory([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]), }, { "technique": "zne", "scale_noise": fold_all, "factory": RichardsonFactory([1.0, 3.0, 5.0]), }, { "technique": "zne", "scale_noise": fold_all, "factory": LinearFactory([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]), }, { "technique": "zne", "scale_noise": fold_all, "factory": LinearFactory([1.0, 3.0, 5.0]), }, ], ) ``` ```{code-cell} ipython3 cal = Calibrator(execute_calibration, frontend="qiskit", settings=RBSettings) cal.run(log="flat") ``` As you can see above, several experiments were run, and each one has either a cross (✘) or a check (✔) to signal whether the error mitigation experiment obtained an expectation value that is better than the non-mitigated one. ```{code-cell} ipython3 calibrated_mitigated=execute_with_mitigation(circuit, execute_circuit, calibrator=cal) mitigated=execute_with_zne(circuit, execute_circuit, factory=LinearFactory([1, 3, 5])) unmitigated=execute_circuit(circuit) print("ideal = \t \t",ideal) print("unmitigated = \t \t", "{:.5f}".format(unmitigated)) print("mitigated = \t \t", "{:.5f}".format(mitigated)) print("calibrated_mitigated = \t", "{:.5f}".format(calibrated_mitigated)) ``` We can see that the mitigated and calibrated-mitigated values show improvement over the unmitigated value, and that the calibrated value shows a larger improvement, achieving the objective of the calibration process.