# Examples Below you can find a gallery of tutorials applying Zero Noise Extrapolation (ZNE), Probabilistic Error Cancellation (PEC), and Digital Dynamical Decoupling (DDD) with Mitiq: ```{nbgallery} ZNE Calibration with Qiskit ZNE on a Rigetti backend with Braket: Mirror circuits ZNE on IonQ backends with Braket ZNE on IBM Quantum backends with Qiskit ZNE on IBM Quantum backends with Pennylane ZNE on IBM Quantum backends with Cirq ZNE with PyQuil: Parametric programs ZNE with PyQuil: Improving VQE ZNE with Cirq: Energy landscape of a variational circuit ZNE with Braket: Energy landscape of a variational circuit ZNE with Qiskit: Energy landscape of a variational circuit ZNE with Pennylane Energy landscape of a variational circuit ZNE with Qiskit: Layerwise folding ZNE with Qiskit: Quantum simulation of quantum many body scars ZNE with Cirq: Solving MaxCut with QAOA ZNE with Cirq: Hamiltonian simulation with Pauli gates ZNE with Cirq: Energy of molecular Hydrogen ZNE with Cirq: Noise scaling methods ZNE with Qibo: Mitigating noisy simulations ZNE and CDR with Cirq: 1D Ising Simulation ZNE with PennyLane + Cirq: Energy of molecular Hydrogen ZNE with BQSKit compiled circuits ZNE on Stim backend with Cirq: Logical randomized benchmarking circuits PEC on a Braket simulator: Mirror circuits PEC with Cirq: Learning representations Classical Shadows with Cirq: State Reconstruction and Observable Estimation Robust Shadow Estimation with Cirq: Pauli Twirling Calibration of Classical Shadows DDD with Cirq: Mirror circuits DDD with Qiskit: GHZ circuits GGI Summer School ZNE Hands-On Tutorial Composing techniques: REM + ZNE The Mitiq paper code ```