--- jupytext: text_representation: extension: .md format_name: myst format_version: 0.13 jupytext_version: 1.11.1 kernelspec: display_name: Python 3 language: python name: python3 --- # Estimating the potential energy surface of molecular Hydrogen with ZNE and PennyLane + Cirq +++ In this example we apply zero-noise extrapolation (ZNE) to the estimation of the potential energy surface of molecular Hydrogen ($\rm H_2$). The variational algorithm used in this example is based on _O’Malley et al. PRX (2016)_ {cite}`OMalley_2016_PRX`. With the appropriate settings (see code comments in the ZNE subsection), this notebook reproduces the results shown in Figure 4 of the Mitiq white paper. ```{figure} ../img/h2_molecule.svg --- height: 300px --- Figure 1: Pictorial representation of the $\rm H_2$ molecule. In this example, we variationally estimate the potential energy surface of the molecule as a function of the bond length $R$. ``` ```{code-cell} ipython3 from functools import partial import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import brute import cirq import pennylane as qml from pennylane.pauli import pauli_word_to_string import mitiq from mitiq import zne # Zero-noise extrapolation module from mitiq.interface.mitiq_cirq import compute_density_matrix ``` ## The Hamiltonian for $\rm H_2$ +++ We can write down the Hamiltonian for $\rm H_2$ in the following form {cite}`OMalley_2016_PRX` \begin{equation} H = g_0 I + g_1 Z_0 + g_2 Z_1 + g_3 Z_0 Z_1 + g_4 X_0 X_1 + g_5 Y_0 Y_1 \end{equation} where $g_i$ are numerical values that depend on the bond length $R$. The above Hamiltonian: 1. Uses the minimal [STO-6G basis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STO-nG_basis_sets), 1. Uses the Bravyi-Kitaev transform, and 1. Reduces resources (qubit number) by symmetry considerations (see {cite}`OMalley_2016_PRX` for more details). Each coefficient $g_i$ is a function of the bond length $g_i = g_i(R)$. We obtain the `H` for $\rm H_2$ at any given bond length $R$ by first building the full molecular Hamiltonian using [`PennyLane`](https://pennylane.readthedocs.io/) and then tapering it using the symmetries mentioned in the Appendix A of {cite}`OMalley_2016_PRX` to reduce it to a two qubit Hamiltonian, where the qubits `0` and `2` corresponds to the labels `0` and `1` in the Hamiltonian `H` given above. ```{code-cell} ipython3 ang_to_bohr = 1.8897259886 # pennylane specifies coordinates in terms of Bohr radius def molecular_hamiltonian(bond_length: float) -> mitiq.Observable: """ Builds the Hamiltonian for H2 at a given bond length """ symbols = ['H', 'H'] geometry = ang_to_bohr * np.array([[0., 0., - 0.5 * bond_length], [0., 0., 0.5 * bond_length]]) mol = qml.qchem.Molecule(symbols, geometry) Hamil, qubits = qml.qchem.molecular_hamiltonian(symbols, geometry, basis="sto-6g", method="pyscf", mapping="bravyi_kitaev") # tapering the Hamiltonian using symmetries generators = [qml.PauliZ(1), qml.PauliZ(3)] # symmetries corresponding to qubit 1 and 3 paulix_ops = [qml.PauliX(1), qml.PauliX(3)] # corresponding paulix ops for tapering eigval_sec = [1, 1] # optimal sector containing the ground state Hamil_tapered = qml.taper(Hamil, generators, paulix_ops, eigval_sec) # converting the tapered Hamiltonian to mitiq Observable coeffs, ops = Hamil_tapered.terms() wire_map = {0 : 0, 2 : 1} # for relabeling the qubits in the Pauli representation pauli_str = [mitiq.PauliString( pauli_word_to_string(op, wire_map=wire_map), coeff=coeff) for coeff, op in zip(coeffs, ops)] hamil_obs = mitiq.Observable(*pauli_str) return hamil_obs radii = np.linspace(0.2, 2.6, 13) hamiltonians = [molecular_hamiltonian(rad) for rad in radii] print(f"Hamiltonian at R = {radii[0]} Angstroms is:\n {hamiltonians[0]}") ``` We define a function that evaluates the expectation value of the Hamiltonian on a noisy backend and for a given input circuit (ansatz). Here we use a Cirq density matrix simulator with a simple depolarizing noise model. ```{code-cell} ipython3 def energy( ansatz: cirq.Circuit, radius_index: int, depo_noise_strength: float = 0.05 ) -> float: """Computes the energy at a given bond length (radius).""" hamiltonian = hamiltonians[radius_index] executor = mitiq.Executor(compute_density_matrix) kwargs = {"noise_model_function":cirq.depolarize, "noise_level":(depo_noise_strength,)} expec_val = executor.evaluate(ansatz, hamiltonian, **kwargs)[0] return expec_val.real ``` ## Evaluating the energy landscape for a fixed $R$ +++ We first define a function that returns single-parameter variational circuit. The ansatz is based on on Fig. 1 of {cite}`OMalley_2016_PRX`. ```{code-cell} ipython3 def ansatz(theta: float) -> cirq.Circuit: """Returns the circuit associated to the input variational parameter.""" qreg = cirq.LineQubit.range(2) return cirq.Circuit( cirq.ops.X.on(qreg[1]), cirq.ops.ry(np.pi / 2).on(qreg[0]), cirq.ops.rx(-np.pi / 2).on(qreg[1]), cirq.ops.CNOT.on(*qreg), cirq.ops.rz(theta).on(qreg[1]), cirq.ops.CNOT.on(*qreg), cirq.ops.ry(-np.pi / 2).on(qreg[0]), cirq.ops.rx(np.pi / 2).on(qreg[1]), ) ``` Below we set a particular radius $R$ and sweep the $\theta$ parameter to evaluate the unmitigated energy landscape $E(\theta, R)$ using different strengths $p$ of depolarizing noise. ```{code-cell} ipython3 # Noise levels pvals = (0.00, 0.02, 0.04) # Variational parameters thetas = np.linspace(0.0, 2.0 * np.pi, 10) all_energies = [] for pval in pvals: energies = [] for theta in thetas: energies.append(energy(ansatz(theta), radius_index=0, depo_noise_strength=pval)) all_energies.append(energies) ``` The unmitigated energy landscapes are now stored in the `all_energies` variable and will be visualized later. ### Applying zero-noise extrapolation to estimate $E(\theta, R)$ +++ We now use zero-noise extrapolation to error-mitigate the energy landscapes $E(\theta, R)$ for a fixed value of $R$ and for different levels of the noise. ```{code-cell} ipython3 # Set noise scaling method scaling_function = zne.scaling.fold_global # Set extrapolation method fac = zne.inference.RichardsonFactory(scale_factors=[1, 3, 5]) # Set number of trials per expectation value num_to_average = 1 # To reproduce the results of the Mitiq paper use the following settings # scaling_function = zne.scaling.fold_gates_at_random # pfac = zne.inference.PolyFactory(order=3, # scale_factors=[1., 1.5, 2., 2.5, 3., 3.5, 4., 4.5, 5., 5.5, 6.]) # num_to_average = 5 # pvals = (0.00, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06) # thetas = np.linspace(0.0, 2.0 * np.pi, 20) all_mitigated = [] for p in pvals[1:]: mitigated = [] for theta in thetas: # Define an executor function execute = partial(energy, radius_index=0, depo_noise_strength=p) # Run ZNE zne_value = zne.execute_with_zne( ansatz(theta), execute, factory=fac, scale_noise=scaling_function, num_to_average=num_to_average, ) mitigated.append(zne_value) all_mitigated.append(mitigated) ``` In the next figure we visualize the following results: 1. The ideal noiseless energy landscape $E(\theta, R)$ corresponding to `all_energies[0]`; 2. The noisy (unmitigated) energies `all_energies`; 3. The corresponding error-mitigated energies `all_mitigated`. ```{code-cell} ipython3 plt.rcParams.update({"font.family": "serif", "font.size": 14, "font.weight": "bold"}) plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) # Plot unmitigated results plt.subplot(121) plt.title("Unmitigated") for i in range(len(all_energies)): plt.plot( thetas, all_energies[i], "--s", lw=3, markersize=10, markeredgecolor="black", alpha=0.7, label=f"$p = {pvals[i]}$", ) plt.xlabel(r"$\theta$") plt.ylabel(r"$E(\theta)$") plt.legend() plt.subplot(122) plt.title("Mitigated with ZNE") # Plot noiseless results plt.plot( thetas, all_energies[0], "--s", lw=3, markersize=10, markeredgecolor="black", alpha=0.7, label="$p = 0.0$", ) # Plot error-mitigated results for i in range(len(all_mitigated)): plt.plot( thetas, all_mitigated[i], "--o", lw=3, markersize=10, markeredgecolor="black", alpha=0.7, label=f"$p = {pvals[i + 1]}$", ) plt.xlabel(r"$\theta$") plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() ``` In the figure above, the error-mitigated energy landscapes (colored circles) are closer to the ideal noiseless limit (blue squares) when compared to the unmitigated values (colored squares). +++ ## Evaluating the potential energy surface $V(R)$ +++ In the previous section we mitigated the energy landscape $E(\theta, R)$ for a particular value of $R$. Here instead we evaluate the potential energy surface, which can be defined as $$V(R) = \min_\theta(E(\theta, R)). $$ +++ We first evaluate $V(R)$ without using error mitigation. ```{code-cell} ipython3 best_thetas = [] best_energies = [] for pval in pvals: print(f"\nStatus: p = {pval}") these_thetas = [] these_energies = [] for i in range(len(radii)): # Objective function to minimize def obj(theta): return energy(ansatz(theta[0]), radius_index=i, depo_noise_strength=pval) res = brute(obj, ranges=[(0, 2 * np.pi)], Ns=10, finish=None, full_output=True) these_thetas.append(res[0]) these_energies.append(res[1]) best_thetas.append(these_thetas) best_energies.append(these_energies) ``` The unmitigated potential energy surfaces are now stored in the `best_energies` variable and will be visualized later. ### Applying zero-noise extrapolation to estimate $V(R)$ We use zero-noise extrapolation to error-mitigate the potential energy surface $V(R)$. ```{code-cell} ipython3 best_mitigated_thetas = [] best_mitigated_energies = [] for pval in pvals[1:]: print(f"\nStatus: p = {pval}") these_thetas = [] these_energies = [] for i in range(len(radii)): def objective_function(theta): return zne.execute_with_zne( ansatz(theta[0]), partial(energy, radius_index=i, depo_noise_strength=pval), factory=fac, scale_noise=scaling_function, num_to_average=num_to_average, ) # Minimize energy with respect to "theta" res = brute( objective_function, ranges=[(0, 2 * np.pi)], Ns=10, finish=None, full_output=True, ) these_thetas.append(res[0]) these_energies.append(res[1]) best_mitigated_thetas.append(these_thetas) best_mitigated_energies.append(these_energies) ``` In the next figure we visualize the following results: 1. The ideal noiseless potential energy surface $V(R)$ corresponding to `best_energies[0]`; 2. The noisy (unmitigated) potential energy surfaces `best_energies`; 3. The corresponding error-mitigated potential energy surfaces `best_mitigated_energies`. ```{code-cell} ipython3 plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5)) # Plot unmitigated results plt.subplot(121) plt.title("Unmitigated") for pval, opt_energies in zip(pvals, best_energies): plt.plot( radii, opt_energies, "--s", lw=2, markersize=10, markeredgecolor="black", alpha=0.7, label=f"$p = {pval}$", ) plt.ylim( min([np.min(best_energies), np.min(best_mitigated_energies)]) - 0.1, max([np.max(best_energies), np.max(best_mitigated_energies)]) + 0.1, ) plt.xlabel("Atomic distance (Angstroms)") plt.ylabel("Energy (Hartree)") plt.legend() # Plot noiseless results plt.subplot(122) plt.title("Mitigated with ZNE") plt.plot( radii, best_energies[0], "-s", lw=2, markersize=10, markeredgecolor="black", alpha=0.7, label=f"$p = 0.0$", zorder=1, ) # Plot error-mitigated results i = 0 for pval, opt_energies in zip(pvals[1:], best_mitigated_energies): i += 1 plt.plot( radii, opt_energies, "-o", lw=2, markersize=10, markeredgecolor="black", alpha=0.7, label=f"$p = {pval}$", zorder=0, ) plt.ylim( min([np.min(best_energies), np.min(best_mitigated_energies)]) - 0.1, max([np.max(best_energies), np.max(best_mitigated_energies)]) + 0.1, ) plt.xlabel("Atomic distance (Angstroms)") plt.legend(); ``` In the figure above, the error-mitigated potential energy surfaces (colored circles) are closer to the ideal noiseless limit (blue squares) when compared to the unmitigated results (colored squares).