--- jupytext: text_representation: extension: .md format_name: myst format_version: 0.13 jupytext_version: 1.11.1 kernelspec: display_name: Python 3 language: python name: python3 --- (label-zne-braket-ionq)= # Zero-noise extrapolation with Braket on the IonQ backend This tutorial shows an example of how to apply zero-noise extrapolation ([ZNE](../guide/zne.md)) with the [Braket](https://github.com/aws/amazon-braket-sdk-python) frontend to mitigate errors on an [IonQ](https://ionq.com/) backend. More details on the Mitiq notions of frontends and backends are given [here](../guide/frontends-backends.md). Below, we show how to run a simple Braket circuit on an IonQ device. ## Settings We import the zero-noise extrapolation module of Mitiq. ```{code-cell} ipython3 from mitiq import zne USE_REAL_HARDWARE = False ``` ```{note} When `USE_REAL_HARDWARE` is set to `False`, a classically simulated noisy backend is used instead of a real quantum computer. ``` +++ We also set the number of times each quantum circuit is executed and measured using `number_of_shots`. Setting a large number of shots improves the accuracy of the results, but also increases the computational cost and the execution time. ```{code-cell} ipython3 number_of_shots = 1024 ``` ## Setup: Defining a circuit in Braket +++ For simplicity, we define a single-qubit circuit with 10 $X$ gates that, in total, is equivalent to the identity operation. ```{code-cell} ipython3 import braket braket_circuit = braket.circuits.Circuit() for _ in range(10): braket_circuit.x(0) print(braket_circuit) ``` We will use the probability of measuring the system in the _zero_ state ($p = \langle 0 | \rho |0\rangle$) as our expectation value to error-mitigate. The expectation value evaluates to $1$ in the noiseless setting, but is usually smaller when estimated on a noisy backend due to errors. ## High-level usage To use Mitiq with just a few lines of code, we need to define an _executor_, _i.e._ a function which inputs a circuit and outputs the expectation value to mitigate. This function will: 1. Optionally, add measurement(s) to the circuit. (Not in this example). 2. Run the circuit on a backend. 3. Convert from raw measurement statistics (or a different output format) to an expectation value. For information on how to define more advanced executors, see the [Executors](../guide/executors.md) section of the Mitiq User Guide. +++ ```{warning} Using a real IonQ device requires running this notebook within an Amazon Braket cloud session created with a valid AWS account. A monetary budget (or credits) is necessary. When `USE_REAL_HARDWARE` is set to `False`, this notebook will run on your local machine without costs. ``` ```{code-cell} ipython3 def braket_ionq_execute( braket_circuit: braket.circuits.Circuit, shots: int = number_of_shots, noise_level: float = 0.01) -> float: """Returns the expectation value to be mitigated. Args: circuit: Circuit to run. shots: Number of times to execute the circuit to compute the expectation value. noise_level: The level of depolarizing noise. """ circuit_to_run = braket_circuit.copy() if USE_REAL_HARDWARE: from braket.aws import AwsDevice backend = AwsDevice("arn:aws:braket:::device/qpu/ionq/ionQdevice") else: from braket.devices import LocalSimulator backend = LocalSimulator("braket_dm") # Simulate depolarizing noise circuit_to_run.apply_gate_noise( braket.circuits.Noise.Depolarizing(noise_level), # By default, noise is applied to all gates. # Uncomment next line to add noise only to specific gates, e.g., only to CNOT gates. # target_gates=braket.circuits.gates.CNot, ) result = backend.run(circuit_to_run, shots=shots).result() return result.measurement_probabilities.get("0", 0.0) ``` At this point, the circuit can be executed to return a mitigated expectation value by running {func}`.zne.execute_with_zne`, as follows. ```{code-cell} ipython3 unmitigated = braket_ionq_execute(braket_circuit) mitigated = zne.execute_with_zne(braket_circuit, executor=braket_ionq_execute) print(f"Unmitigated result {unmitigated:.3f}") print(f"Mitigated result {mitigated:.3f}") ``` As long as a circuit and a function for executing the circuit are defined, the {func}`.execute_with_zne` function can be called as above to return zero-noise extrapolated expectation value(s). ```{warning} When using a real device, the previous method may fail because the internal compiler of the device can undo the _unitary folding_ transformation that Mitiq applies to the input circuit. If possible, one should switch off any circuit optimization performed by the hardware device. If not possible, using _global unitary folding_ as shown in the next section can also be a practical way of solving this problem. ``` ## Options Different options for noise scaling and extrapolation can be passed into the {func}`.execute_with_zne` function. By default, noise is scaled by locally folding gates at random, and the default extrapolation method is Richardson extrapolation. To specify a different extrapolation technique, we can pass a different {class}`.Factory` object to {func}`.execute_with_zne`. The following code block shows an example of using linear extrapolation with five different (noise) scale factors. Moreover, instead of _local unitary folding_, _global unitary folding_ is used to scale noise. More details on ZNE options are given [here](../guide/zne-3-options.md). ```{code-cell} ipython3 factory = zne.inference.LinearFactory(scale_factors=[1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0]) noise_scaling_method = zne.scaling.fold_global mitigated = zne.execute_with_zne( braket_circuit, braket_ionq_execute, factory=factory, scale_noise=noise_scaling_method, ) print(f"Mitigated result {mitigated:.3f}") ``` Let's visualize the zero-noise extrapolation fit. ```{code-cell} ipython3 _ = factory.plot_fit() ``` Any different combination of noise scaling and extrapolation technique can be passed as arguments to {func}`.execute_with_zne`. ## Lower-level usage Here, we show a more detailed usage of the Mitiq library which mimics what happens in the call to {func}`.execute_with_zne` used in the previous sections. This low-level approach allows us to have a better control of the error mitigation workflow. First, we define factors to scale the circuit length by, folding the circuit using the {func}`.fold_global` method. ```{code-cell} ipython3 scale_factors = [1., 1.5, 2., 2.5, 3.] folded_circuits = [ zne.scaling.fold_global(braket_circuit, scale) for scale in scale_factors ] # Check that the circuit depth is (approximately) scaled as expected length_in = len(braket_circuit.instructions) for j, c in enumerate(folded_circuits): length_out = len(c.instructions) print(f"Number of gates in folded circuit {j} scaled by: {length_out / length_in:.3f}") ``` The number of gates has been scaled to approximate the input `scale_factors`. +++ For a noiseless simulation, the expectation value should be 1.0 because our circuit compiles to the identity. For a noisy simulation, the value will be smaller than one. Because folding introduces more gates and thus more noise, the result will decrease as the length of the folded circuits increases. By fitting this to a curve, we can extrapolate to the zero-noise limit and obtain a better estimate. Below we execute the folded circuits using the executor function defined at the start of this example. ```{code-cell} ipython3 expectation_values = [braket_ionq_execute(c) for c in folded_circuits] print(f"Expectation values:\n{expectation_values}") ``` ```{note} Using a _batched_ executor which can take as input many circuits at once and potentially run them in parallel could speedup this step. More details can be found in the [Executors](../guide/executors.md) section. ``` +++ We can now see the unmitigated expectation value by printing the first element of `expectation_values`. (This value corresponds to a circuit with scale factor one, i.e., the original circuit.) ```{code-cell} ipython3 print("Unmitigated expectation value:", round(expectation_values[0], 3)) ``` Now we can use the static `extrapolate()` method of {class}`.Factory` objects to extrapolate to the zero-noise limit. Below we use an exponential fit and print out the extrapolated zero-noise value. ```{code-cell} ipython3 zero_noise_value = zne.ExpFactory.extrapolate(scale_factors, expectation_values, asymptote=0.5) print(f"Extrapolated zero-noise value:", round(zero_noise_value, 3)) ```