Source code for mitiq.ddd.ddd

# Copyright (C) Unitary Fund
# This source code is licensed under the GPL license (v3) found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

"""High-level digital dynamical decoupling (DDD) tools."""

from functools import partial, wraps
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from mitiq import QPROGRAM, Executor, Observable, QuantumResult
from mitiq.ddd.insertion import insert_ddd_sequences

[docs] def execute_with_ddd( circuit: QPROGRAM, executor: Union[Executor, Callable[[QPROGRAM], QuantumResult]], observable: Optional[Observable] = None, *, rule: Callable[[int], QPROGRAM], rule_args: Dict[str, Any] = {}, num_trials: int = 1, full_output: bool = False, ) -> Union[float, Tuple[float, Dict[str, Any]]]: r"""Estimates the error-mitigated expectation value associated to the input circuit, via the application of digital dynamical decoupling (DDD). Args: circuit: The input circuit to execute with DDD. executor: A Mitiq executor that executes a circuit and returns the unmitigated ``QuantumResult`` (e.g. an expectation value). observable: Observable to compute the expectation value of. If None, the ``executor`` must return an expectation value. Otherwise, the ``QuantumResult`` returned by ``executor`` is used to compute the expectation of the observable. rule: A function that takes as main argument a slack length (i.e. the number of idle moments) of a slack window (i.e. a single-qubit idle window in a circuit) and returns the DDD sequence of gates to be applied in that window. Mitiq provides standard built-in rules that can be directly imported from ``mitiq.ddd.rules``. rule_args: An optional dictionary of keyword arguments for ``rule``. num_trials: The number of independent experiments to average over. A number larger than 1 can be useful to average over multiple applications of a rule returning non-deterministic DDD sequences. full_output: If ``False`` only the mitigated expectation value is returned. If ``True`` a dictionary containing all DDD data is returned too. Returns: The tuple ``(ddd_value, ddd_data)`` where ``ddd_value`` is the expectation value estimated with DDD and ``ddd_data`` is a dictionary containing all the raw data involved in the DDD process (e.g. the circuit filled with DDD sequences). If ``full_output`` is false, only ``ddd_value`` is returned. """ # Initialize executor if not isinstance(executor, Executor): executor = Executor(executor) rule_partial: Callable[[int], QPROGRAM] rule_partial = partial(rule, **rule_args) # Insert DDD sequences in (a copy of) the input circuit circuits_with_ddd = [ insert_ddd_sequences(circuit, rule_partial) for _ in range(num_trials) ] results = executor.evaluate( circuits_with_ddd, observable, force_run_all=True, ) assert len(results) == num_trials ddd_value = np.sum(results) / num_trials if not full_output: return ddd_value ddd_data = { "ddd_value": ddd_value, "ddd_trials": results, "circuits_with_ddd": circuits_with_ddd, } return ddd_value, ddd_data
[docs] def mitigate_executor( executor: Callable[[QPROGRAM], QuantumResult], observable: Optional[Observable] = None, *, rule: Callable[[int], QPROGRAM], rule_args: Dict[str, Any] = {}, num_trials: int = 1, full_output: bool = False, ) -> Callable[[QPROGRAM], Union[float, Tuple[float, Dict[str, Any]]]]: """Returns a modified version of the input 'executor' which is error-mitigated with digital dynamical decoupling (DDD). Args: executor: A function that executes a circuit and returns the unmitigated `QuantumResult` (e.g. an expectation value). observable: Observable to compute the expectation value of. If None, the `executor` must return an expectation value. Otherwise, the `QuantumResult` returned by `executor` is used to compute the expectation of the observable. rule: A function that takes as main argument a slack length (i.e. the number of idle moments) of a slack window (i.e. a single-qubit idle window in a circuit) and returns the DDD sequence of gates to be applied in that window. Mitiq provides standard built-in rules that can be directly imported from `mitiq.ddd.rules`. rule_args: An optional dictionary of keyword arguments for `rule`. num_trials: The number of independent experiments to average over. A number larger than 1 can be useful to average over multiple applications of a rule returning non-deterministic DDD sequences. full_output: If False only the mitigated expectation value is returned. If True a dictionary containing all DDD data is returned too. Returns: The error-mitigated version of the input executor. """ executor_obj = Executor(executor) if not executor_obj.can_batch: @wraps(executor) def new_executor( circuit: QPROGRAM, ) -> Union[float, Tuple[float, Dict[str, Any]]]: return execute_with_ddd( circuit, executor, observable, rule=rule, rule_args=rule_args, num_trials=num_trials, full_output=full_output, ) else: @wraps(executor) def new_executor( circuits: List[QPROGRAM], ) -> List[Union[float, Tuple[float, Dict[str, Any]]]]: return [ execute_with_ddd( circuit, executor, observable, rule=rule, rule_args=rule_args, num_trials=num_trials, full_output=full_output, ) for circuit in circuits ] return new_executor
[docs] def ddd_decorator( observable: Optional[Observable] = None, *, rule: Callable[[int], QPROGRAM], rule_args: Dict[str, Any] = {}, num_trials: int = 1, full_output: bool = False, ) -> Callable[ [Callable[[QPROGRAM], QuantumResult]], Callable[[QPROGRAM], Union[float, Tuple[float, Dict[str, Any]]]], ]: """Decorator which adds an error-mitigation layer based on digital dynamical decoupling (DDD) to an executor function, i.e., a function which executes a quantum circuit with an arbitrary backend and returns a ``QuantumResult`` (e.g. an expectation value). Args: observable: Observable to compute the expectation value of. If None, the `executor` must return an expectation value. Otherwise, the `QuantumResult` returned by `executor` is used to compute the expectation of the observable. rule: A function that takes as main argument a slack length (i.e. the number of idle moments) of a slack window (i.e. a single-qubit idle window in a circuit) and returns the DDD sequence of gates to be applied in that window. Mitiq provides standard built-in rules that can be directly imported from `mitiq.ddd.rules`. rule_args: An optional dictionary of keyword arguments for `rule`. num_trials: The number of independent experiments to average over. A number larger than 1 can be useful to average over multiple applications of a rule returning non-deterministic DDD sequences. full_output: If False only the mitigated expectation value is returned. If True a dictionary containing all DDD data is returned too. Returns: The error-mitigating decorator to be applied to an executor function. """ def decorator( executor: Callable[[QPROGRAM], QuantumResult], ) -> Callable[[QPROGRAM], Union[float, Tuple[float, Dict[str, Any]]]]: return mitigate_executor( executor, observable, rule=rule, rule_args=rule_args, num_trials=num_trials, full_output=full_output, ) return decorator