Source code for mitiq.executor.executor

# Copyright (C) Unitary Fund
# This source code is licensed under the GPL license (v3) found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

"""Defines utilities for efficiently running collections of circuits generated
by error mitigation techniques to compute expectation values."""

import inspect
import warnings
from collections import Counter
from typing import (

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

from mitiq import QPROGRAM, MeasurementResult, QuantumResult
from mitiq.interface import convert_from_mitiq, convert_to_mitiq
from mitiq.observable.observable import Observable
from mitiq.observable.pauli import PauliString

DensityMatrixLike = [
    Iterable[np.ndarray],  # type: ignore
    List[np.ndarray],  # type: ignore
    Sequence[np.ndarray],  # type: ignore
FloatLike = [
    None,  # Untyped executors are assumed to return floats.
MeasurementResultLike = [

[docs] class Executor: """Tool for efficiently scheduling/executing quantum programs and storing the results. """ def __init__( self, executor: Callable[[Union[QPROGRAM, Sequence[QPROGRAM]]], Any], max_batch_size: int = 75, ) -> None: """Initializes an Executor. Args: executor: A function which inputs a program and outputs a ``mitiq.QuantumResult``, or inputs a sequence of programs and outputs a sequence of ``mitiq.QuantumResult`` s. max_batch_size: Maximum number of programs that can be sent in a single batch (if the executor is batched). """ self._executor = executor executor_annotation = inspect.getfullargspec(executor).annotations self._executor_return_type = executor_annotation.get("return") self._max_batch_size = max_batch_size self._executed_circuits: List[QPROGRAM] = [] self._quantum_results: List[QuantumResult] = [] self._calls_to_executor: int = 0 @property def can_batch(self) -> bool: return self._executor_return_type in ( BatchedType[T] # type: ignore[index] for BatchedType in [Iterable, List, Sequence, Tuple] for T in QuantumResult.__args__ # type: ignore[attr-defined] ) @property def executed_circuits(self) -> List[QPROGRAM]: return self._executed_circuits @property def quantum_results(self) -> List[QuantumResult]: return self._quantum_results @property def calls_to_executor(self) -> int: return self._calls_to_executor
[docs] def evaluate( self, circuits: Union[QPROGRAM, List[QPROGRAM]], observable: Optional[Observable] = None, force_run_all: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[float]: """Returns the expectation value Tr[ρ O] for each circuit in ``circuits`` where O is the observable provided or implicitly defined by the ``executor``. (The observable is implicitly defined when the ``executor`` returns float(s).) All executed circuits are stored in ``self.executed_circuits``, and all quantum results are stored in ``self.quantum_results``. Args: circuits: A single circuit of list of circuits. observable: Observable O in the expression Tr[ρ O]. If None, the ``executor`` must return a float (which corresponds to Tr[ρ O] for a specific, fixed observable O). force_run_all: If True, force every circuit in the input sequence to be executed (if some are identical). Else, detects identical circuits and runs a minimal set. Returns: List of real valued expectation values. """ if not isinstance(circuits, List): circuits = [circuits] warn_non_hermitian = False if observable: if isinstance(observable, PauliString): if observable.coeff.imag > 0.0001: warn_non_hermitian = True elif isinstance(observable, Observable): if any( pauli.coeff.imag > 0.0001 for pauli in observable._paulis ): warn_non_hermitian = True if warn_non_hermitian: warnings.warn( "Expected observable to be hermitian. Continue with caution." ) # Get all required circuits to run. if ( observable is not None and self._executor_return_type in MeasurementResultLike ): all_circuits = [ circuit_with_measurements for circuit in circuits for circuit_with_measurements in observable.measure_in(circuit) ] result_step = observable.ngroups elif ( observable is not None and self._executor_return_type not in MeasurementResultLike and self._executor_return_type not in DensityMatrixLike ): raise ValueError( """Executor and observable are not compatible. Executors returning expectation values as float must be used with observable=None""" ) else: all_circuits = circuits result_step = 1 # Run all required circuits. all_results =, force_run_all, **kwargs) # Parse the results. if self._executor_return_type in FloatLike: results = np.real_if_close( cast(Sequence[float], all_results) ).tolist() elif self._executor_return_type in DensityMatrixLike: observable = cast(Observable, observable) all_results = cast(List[npt.NDArray[np.complex64]], all_results) results = [ observable._expectation_from_density_matrix(density_matrix) for density_matrix in all_results ] elif self._executor_return_type in MeasurementResultLike: observable = cast(Observable, observable) all_results = cast(List[MeasurementResult], all_results) results = [ observable._expectation_from_measurements( all_results[i : i + result_step] ) for i in range(len(all_results) // result_step) ] else: raise ValueError( f"Could not parse executed results from executor with type" f" {self._executor_return_type}." ) return results
[docs] def run( self, circuits: Union[QPROGRAM, Sequence[QPROGRAM]], force_run_all: bool = True, **kwargs: Any, ) -> Sequence[QuantumResult]: """Runs all input circuits using the least number of possible calls to the executor. Args: circuits: Circuit or sequence thereof to execute with the executor. force_run_all: If True, force every circuit in the input sequence to be executed (if some are identical). Else, detects identical circuits and runs a minimal set. """ if not isinstance(circuits, Sequence): circuits = [circuits] start_result_index = len(self._quantum_results) if force_run_all: to_run = circuits else: # Make circuits hashable. # Note: Assumes all circuits are the same type. # TODO: Bug! These conversions to/from Mitiq are not safe in that, # e.g., they do not preserve classical register structure in # Qiskit circuits, potentially causing executed results to be # incorrect. Safe conversions should follow the logic in # mitiq.interface.noise_scaling_converter. _, conversion_type = convert_to_mitiq(circuits[0]) hashable_circuits = [ convert_to_mitiq(circ)[0].freeze() for circ in circuits ] # Get the unique circuits and counts collection = Counter(hashable_circuits) to_run = [ convert_from_mitiq(circ.unfreeze(), conversion_type) for circ in collection.keys() ] if not self.can_batch: for circuit in to_run: self._call_executor(circuit, **kwargs) else: stop = len(to_run) step = self._max_batch_size for i in range(int(np.ceil(stop / step))): batch = to_run[i * step : (i + 1) * step] self._call_executor(batch, **kwargs) results = self._quantum_results[start_result_index:] if not force_run_all: # Expand computed results to all results using counts. results_dict = dict(zip(collection.keys(), results)) results = [results_dict[key] for key in hashable_circuits] return self._post_run(results)
def _post_run( self, results: Sequence[QuantumResult] ) -> Sequence[QuantumResult]: """Post-processes the measurement results. For example, this method can be overridden by a readout error mitigation function. """ return results def _call_executor( self, to_run: Union[QPROGRAM, Sequence[QPROGRAM]], **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Calls the executor on the input circuit(s) to run. Stores the executed circuits in ``self._executed_circuits`` and the quantum results in ``self._quantum_results``. Args: to_run: Circuit(s) to run. """ result = self._executor(to_run, **kwargs) self._calls_to_executor += 1 if self.can_batch: self._quantum_results.extend(result) self._executed_circuits.extend(to_run) else: self._quantum_results.append(result) self._executed_circuits.append(to_run)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_batched_executor( executor: Callable[[Union[QPROGRAM, Sequence[QPROGRAM]]], Any], ) -> bool: """Returns True if the input function is recognized as a "batched executor", else False. The executor is detected as "batched" if and only if it is annotated with a return type that is one of the following: * ``Iterable[QuantumResult]`` * ``List[QuantumResult]`` * ``Sequence[QuantumResult]`` * ``Tuple[QuantumResult]`` Otherwise, it is considered "serial". Batched executors can _run several quantum programs in a single call. See below. Args: executor: A "serial executor" (1) or a "batched executor" (2). #. A function which inputs a single ``QPROGRAM`` and outputs a single ``QuantumResult``. #. A function which inputs a list of ``QPROGRAM`` objects and returns a list of ``QuantumResult`` instances (one for each ``QPROGRAM``). Returns: True if the executor is detected as batched, else False. """ executor_annotation = inspect.getfullargspec(executor).annotations return executor_annotation.get("return") in ( BatchedType[T] # type: ignore[index] for BatchedType in [Iterable, List, Sequence, Tuple] for T in QuantumResult.__args__ # type: ignore[attr-defined] )