Source code for mitiq.pec.pec

# Copyright (C) Unitary Fund
# This source code is licensed under the GPL license (v3) found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

"""High-level probabilistic error cancellation tools."""

import warnings
from functools import wraps
from typing import (

import numpy as np

from mitiq import QPROGRAM, Executor, Observable, QuantumResult
from mitiq.pec import OperationRepresentation, sample_circuit

[docs] class LargeSampleWarning(Warning): """Warning is raised when PEC sample size is greater than 10 ** 5""" pass
_LARGE_SAMPLE_WARN = ( "The number of PEC samples is very large. It may take several minutes." " It may be necessary to reduce 'precision' or 'num_samples'." )
[docs] def execute_with_pec( circuit: QPROGRAM, executor: Union[Executor, Callable[[QPROGRAM], QuantumResult]], observable: Optional[Observable] = None, *, representations: Sequence[OperationRepresentation], precision: float = 0.03, num_samples: Optional[int] = None, force_run_all: bool = True, random_state: Optional[Union[int, np.random.RandomState]] = None, full_output: bool = False, ) -> Union[float, Tuple[float, Dict[str, Any]]]: r"""Estimates the error-mitigated expectation value associated to the input circuit, via the application of probabilistic error cancellation (PEC). :cite:`Temme_2017_PRL` :cite:`Endo_2018_PRX`. This function implements PEC by: 1. Sampling different implementable circuits from the quasi-probability representation of the input circuit; 2. Evaluating the noisy expectation values associated to the sampled circuits (through the "executor" function provided by the user); 3. Estimating the ideal expectation value from a suitable linear combination of the noisy ones. Args: circuit: The input circuit to execute with error-mitigation. executor: A Mitiq executor that executes a circuit and returns the unmitigated ``QuantumResult`` (e.g. an expectation value). observable: Observable to compute the expectation value of. If None, the `executor` must return an expectation value. Otherwise, the `QuantumResult` returned by `executor` is used to compute the expectation of the observable. representations: Representations (basis expansions) of each operation in the input circuit. precision: The desired estimation precision (assuming the observable is bounded by 1). The number of samples is deduced according to the formula (one_norm / precision) ** 2, where 'one_norm' is related to the negativity of the quasi-probability representation :cite:`Temme_2017_PRL`. If 'num_samples' is explicitly set by the user, 'precision' is ignored and has no effect. num_samples: The number of noisy circuits to be sampled for PEC. If not given, this is deduced from the argument 'precision'. force_run_all: If True, all sampled circuits are executed regardless of uniqueness, else a minimal unique set is executed. random_state: Seed for sampling circuits. full_output: If False only the average PEC value is returned. If True a dictionary containing all PEC data is returned too. Returns: The tuple ``(pec_value, pec_data)`` where ``pec_value`` is the expectation value estimated with PEC and ``pec_data`` is a dictionary which contains all the raw data involved in the PEC process (including the PEC estimation error). The error is estimated as ``pec_std / sqrt(num_samples)``, where ``pec_std`` is the standard deviation of the PEC samples, i.e., the square root of the mean squared deviation of the sampled values from ``pec_value``. If ``full_output`` is ``True``, only ``pec_value`` is returned. """ if isinstance(random_state, int): random_state = np.random.RandomState(random_state) if not (0 < precision <= 1): raise ValueError( "The value of 'precision' should be within the interval (0, 1]," f" but precision is {precision}." ) # Get the 1-norm of the circuit quasi-probability representation _, _, norm = sample_circuit( circuit, representations, num_samples=1, ) # Deduce the number of samples (if not given by the user) if not isinstance(num_samples, int): num_samples = int((norm / precision) ** 2) # Issue warning for very large sample size if num_samples > 10**5: warnings.warn(_LARGE_SAMPLE_WARN, LargeSampleWarning) # Sample all the circuits sampled_circuits, signs, _ = sample_circuit( circuit, representations, random_state=random_state, num_samples=num_samples, ) # Execute all sampled circuits if not isinstance(executor, Executor): executor = Executor(executor) results = executor.evaluate(sampled_circuits, observable, force_run_all) # Evaluate unbiased estimators [Temme2017] [Endo2018] [Takagi2020] unbiased_estimators = [norm * s * val for s, val in zip(signs, results)] pec_value = cast(float, np.average(unbiased_estimators)) if not full_output: return pec_value # Build dictionary with additional results and data pec_data: Dict[str, Any] = { "num_samples": num_samples, "precision": precision, "pec_value": pec_value, "pec_error": np.std(unbiased_estimators) / np.sqrt(num_samples), "unbiased_estimators": unbiased_estimators, "measured_expectation_values": results, "sampled_circuits": sampled_circuits, } return pec_value, pec_data
[docs] def mitigate_executor( executor: Callable[[QPROGRAM], QuantumResult], observable: Optional[Observable] = None, *, representations: Sequence[OperationRepresentation], precision: float = 0.03, num_samples: Optional[int] = None, force_run_all: bool = True, random_state: Optional[Union[int, np.random.RandomState]] = None, full_output: bool = False, ) -> Callable[[QPROGRAM], Union[float, Tuple[float, Dict[str, Any]]]]: """Returns a modified version of the input 'executor' which is error-mitigated with probabilistic error cancellation (PEC). Args: executor: A function that executes a circuit and returns the unmitigated `QuantumResult` (e.g. an expectation value). observable: Observable to compute the expectation value of. If None, the `executor` must return an expectation value. Otherwise, the `QuantumResult` returned by `executor` is used to compute the expectation of the observable. representations: Representations (basis expansions) of each operation in the input circuit. precision: The desired estimation precision (assuming the observable is bounded by 1). The number of samples is deduced according to the formula (one_norm / precision) ** 2, where 'one_norm' is related to the negativity of the quasi-probability representation :cite:`Temme_2017_PRL`. If 'num_samples' is explicitly set, 'precision' is ignored and has no effect. num_samples: The number of noisy circuits to be sampled for PEC. If not given, this is deduced from the argument 'precision'. force_run_all: If True, all sampled circuits are executed regardless of uniqueness, else a minimal unique set is executed. random_state: Seed for sampling circuits. full_output: If False only the average PEC value is returned. If True a dictionary containing all PEC data is returned too. Returns: The error-mitigated version of the input executor. """ executor_obj = Executor(executor) if not executor_obj.can_batch: @wraps(executor) def new_executor( circuit: QPROGRAM, ) -> Union[float, Tuple[float, Dict[str, Any]]]: return execute_with_pec( circuit, executor, observable, representations=representations, precision=precision, num_samples=num_samples, force_run_all=force_run_all, random_state=random_state, full_output=full_output, ) else: @wraps(executor) def new_executor( circuits: List[QPROGRAM], ) -> List[Union[float, Tuple[float, Dict[str, Any]]]]: return [ execute_with_pec( circuit, executor, observable, representations=representations, precision=precision, num_samples=num_samples, force_run_all=force_run_all, random_state=random_state, full_output=full_output, ) for circuit in circuits ] return new_executor
[docs] def pec_decorator( observable: Optional[Observable] = None, *, representations: Sequence[OperationRepresentation], precision: float = 0.03, num_samples: Optional[int] = None, force_run_all: bool = True, random_state: Optional[Union[int, np.random.RandomState]] = None, full_output: bool = False, ) -> Callable[ [Callable[[QPROGRAM], QuantumResult]], Callable[ [QPROGRAM], Union[float, Tuple[float, Dict[str, Any]]], ], ]: """Decorator which adds an error-mitigation layer based on probabilistic error cancellation (PEC) to an executor function, i.e., a function which executes a quantum circuit with an arbitrary backend and returns a ``QuantumResult`` (e.g. an expectation value). Args: observable: Observable to compute the expectation value of. If None, the `executor` function being decorated must return an expectation value. Otherwise, the `QuantumResult` returned by this `executor` is used to compute the expectation of the observable. representations: Representations (basis expansions) of each operation in the input circuit. precision: The desired estimation precision (assuming the observable is bounded by 1). The number of samples is deduced according to the formula (one_norm / precision) ** 2, where 'one_norm' is related to the negativity of the quasi-probability representation :cite:`Temme_2017_PRL`. If 'num_samples' is explicitly set by the user, 'precision' is ignored and has no effect. num_samples: The number of noisy circuits to be sampled for PEC. If not given, this is deduced from the argument 'precision'. force_run_all: If True, all sampled circuits are executed regardless of uniqueness, else a minimal unique set is executed. random_state: Seed for sampling circuits. full_output: If False only the average PEC value is returned. If True a dictionary containing all PEC data is returned too. Returns: The error-mitigating decorator to be applied to an executor function. """ def decorator( executor: Callable[[QPROGRAM], QuantumResult], ) -> Callable[[QPROGRAM], Union[float, Tuple[float, Dict[str, Any]]]]: return mitigate_executor( executor, observable, representations=representations, precision=precision, num_samples=num_samples, force_run_all=force_run_all, random_state=random_state, full_output=full_output, ) return decorator