Source code for mitiq.zne.zne

# Copyright (C) Unitary Fund
# This source code is licensed under the GPL license (v3) found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

"""High-level zero-noise extrapolation tools."""

from functools import wraps
from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Union

from mitiq import QPROGRAM, Executor, Observable, QuantumResult
from mitiq.zne.inference import Factory, RichardsonFactory
from mitiq.zne.scaling import fold_gates_at_random

[docs] def execute_with_zne( circuit: QPROGRAM, executor: Union[Executor, Callable[[QPROGRAM], QuantumResult]], observable: Optional[Observable] = None, *, factory: Optional[Factory] = None, scale_noise: Callable[[QPROGRAM, float], QPROGRAM] = fold_gates_at_random, # type: ignore [has-type] num_to_average: int = 1, ) -> float: """Estimates the error-mitigated expectation value associated to the input circuit, via the application of zero-noise extrapolation (ZNE). Args: circuit: The input circuit to execute with ZNE. executor: A Mitiq executor that executes a circuit and returns the unmitigated ``QuantumResult`` (e.g. an expectation value). observable: Observable to compute the expectation value of. If ``None``, the ``executor`` must return an expectation value. Otherwise, the ``QuantumResult`` returned by ``executor`` is used to compute the expectation of the observable. factory: ``Factory`` object that determines the zero-noise extrapolation method. scale_noise: The function for scaling the noise of a quantum circuit. A list of built-in functions can be found in ``mitiq.zne.scaling``. num_to_average: Number of times expectation values are computed by the executor after each call to ``scale_noise``, then averaged. Returns: The expectation value estimated with ZNE. """ if not factory: factory = RichardsonFactory(scale_factors=[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]) if not isinstance(factory, Factory): raise TypeError( f"Argument `factory` must be of type mitiq.factories.Factory " f"but type(factory) is {type(factory)}." ) if not callable(scale_noise): raise TypeError("Argument `scale_noise` must be callable.") if num_to_average < 1: raise ValueError("Argument `num_to_average` must be a positive int.") return circuit, executor, observable, scale_noise, int(num_to_average) ).reduce()
[docs] def mitigate_executor( executor: Callable[[QPROGRAM], QuantumResult], observable: Optional[Observable] = None, *, factory: Optional[Factory] = None, scale_noise: Callable[[QPROGRAM, float], QPROGRAM] = fold_gates_at_random, # type:ignore [has-type] num_to_average: int = 1, ) -> Callable[[QPROGRAM], float]: """Returns a modified version of the input 'executor' which is error-mitigated with zero-noise extrapolation (ZNE). Args: executor: A function that executes a circuit and returns the unmitigated `QuantumResult` (e.g. an expectation value). observable: Observable to compute the expectation value of. If None, the `executor` must return an expectation value. Otherwise, the `QuantumResult` returned by `executor` is used to compute the expectation of the observable. factory: Factory object determining the zero-noise extrapolation method. scale_noise: Function for scaling the noise of a quantum circuit. num_to_average: Number of times expectation values are computed by the executor after each call to scale_noise, then averaged. Returns: The error-mitigated version of the input executor. """ executor_obj = Executor(executor) if not executor_obj.can_batch: @wraps(executor) def new_executor(circuit: QPROGRAM) -> float: return execute_with_zne( circuit, executor, observable, factory=factory, scale_noise=scale_noise, num_to_average=num_to_average, ) else: @wraps(executor) def new_executor(circuits: List[QPROGRAM]) -> List[float]: return [ execute_with_zne( circuit, executor, observable, factory=factory, scale_noise=scale_noise, num_to_average=num_to_average, ) for circuit in circuits ] return new_executor
[docs] def zne_decorator( observable: Optional[Observable] = None, *, factory: Optional[Factory] = None, scale_noise: Callable[[QPROGRAM, float], QPROGRAM] = fold_gates_at_random, # type: ignore [has-type] num_to_average: int = 1, ) -> Callable[ [Callable[[QPROGRAM], QuantumResult]], Callable[[QPROGRAM], float] ]: """Decorator which adds an error-mitigation layer based on zero-noise extrapolation (ZNE) to an executor function, i.e., a function which executes a quantum circuit with an arbitrary backend and returns a ``QuantumResult`` (e.g. an expectation value). Args: observable: Observable to compute the expectation value of. If None, the `executor` being decorated must return an expectation value. Otherwise, the `QuantumResult` returned by the `executor` is used to compute the expectation of the observable. factory: Factory object determining the zero-noise extrapolation method. scale_noise: Function for scaling the noise of a quantum circuit. num_to_average: Number of times expectation values are computed by the executor after each call to scale_noise, then averaged. Returns: The error-mitigating decorator to be applied to an executor function. """ # Raise an error if the decorator is used without parenthesis if callable(observable): raise TypeError( "Decorator must be used with parentheses (i.e., @zne_decorator()) " "even if no explicit arguments are passed." ) def decorator( executor: Callable[[QPROGRAM], QuantumResult], ) -> Callable[[QPROGRAM], float]: return mitigate_executor( executor, observable, factory=factory, scale_noise=scale_noise, num_to_average=num_to_average, ) return decorator