How do I use LRE?#

LRE works in two main stages: generate noise-scaled circuits via layerwise scaling, and apply inference to resulting measurements post-execution.

This workflow can be executed by a single call to execute_with_lre(). If more control is needed over the protocol, Mitiq provides multivariate_layer_scaling() and multivariate_richardson_coefficients() to handle the first and second steps respectively.

Problem Setup#

To demonstrate the use of LRE, we’ll first define a quantum circuit, and a method of executing circuits for demonstration purposes.

For simplicity, we define a circuit whose unitary compiles to the identity operation. Here we will use a randomized benchmarking circuit on a single qubit, visualized below.

from mitiq import benchmarks

circuit = benchmarks.generate_rb_circuits(n_qubits=1, num_cliffords=3)[0]

0: ───X^-0.5───Y^-0.5───Y^-0.5───X^0.5───Y^0.5───Y───I───(Z-Y^-0.5)───

We define an executor which simulates the input circuit subjected to depolarizing noise, and returns the probability of measuring the ground state. By altering the value for noise_level, ideal and noisy expectation values can be obtained.

from cirq import DensityMatrixSimulator, depolarize

def execute(circuit, noise_level=0.025):
    noisy_circuit = circuit.with_noise(depolarize(p=noise_level))
    rho = DensityMatrixSimulator().simulate(noisy_circuit).final_density_matrix
    return rho[0, 0].real

Compare the noisy and ideal expectation values:

noisy = execute(circuit)
ideal = execute(circuit, noise_level=0.0)
print(f"Error without mitigation: {abs(ideal - noisy) :.5f}")
Error without mitigation: 0.11877

Apply LRE directly#

With the circuit and executor defined, we just need to choose the polynomial extrapolation degree as well as the fold multiplier.

from mitiq.lre import execute_with_lre

degree = 2
fold_multiplier = 3

mitigated = execute_with_lre(

print(f"Error with mitigation (LRE): {abs(ideal - mitigated):.{3}}")
Error with mitigation (LRE): 0.00513

As you can see, the technique is extremely simple to apply, and no knowledge of the hardware/simulator noise is required.

Step by step application of LRE#

In this section we demonstrate the use of multivariate_layer_scaling() and multivariate_richardson_coefficients() for those who might want to inspect the intermediary circuits, and have more control over the protocol.

Create noise-scaled circuits#

We start by creating a number of noise-scaled circuits which we will pass to the executor.

from mitiq.lre.multivariate_scaling import multivariate_layer_scaling

noise_scaled_circuits = multivariate_layer_scaling(circuit, degree, fold_multiplier)
num_scaled_circuits = len(noise_scaled_circuits)

print(f"total number of noise-scaled circuits for LRE = {num_scaled_circuits}")
    f"Average circuit depth = {sum(len(circuit) for circuit in noise_scaled_circuits) / num_scaled_circuits}"
total number of noise-scaled circuits for LRE = 45
Average circuit depth = 18.666666666666668

As you can see, the noise scaled circuits are on average much longer than the original circuit. An example noise-scaled circuit is shown below.

0: ───X^-0.5───Y^-0.5───Y^-0.5───Y^0.5───Y^-0.5───Y^0.5───Y^-0.5───Y^0.5───Y^-0.5───X^0.5───Y^0.5───Y───I───(Z-Y^-0.5)───

With the many noise-scaled circuits in hand, we can run them through our executor to obtain the expectation values.

noise_scaled_exp_values = [
    execute(circuit) for circuit in noise_scaled_circuits

Classical inference#

The penultimate step here is to fetch the coefficients we’ll use to combine the noisy data we obtained above. The astute reader will note that we haven’t defined or used a degree or fold_multiplier parameter, and this is where they are both needed.

from mitiq.lre.inference import multivariate_richardson_coefficients

coefficients = multivariate_richardson_coefficients(

Each noise scaled circuit has a coefficient of linear combination and a noisy expectation value associated with it.

Combine the results#

mitigated = sum(
    exp_val * coeff
    for exp_val, coeff in zip(noise_scaled_exp_values, coefficients)
print(f"Error with mitigation (LRE): {abs(ideal - mitigated):.{3}}")
Error with mitigation (LRE): 0.00513

As you can see we again see a nice improvement in the accuracy using a two stage application of LRE.