Tags: cirq#
- CDR with Qrack as Near-Clifford Simulator
- Error mitigation with Cirq on IBMQ backends
- Composing techniques: Digital Dynamical Decoupling and Zero Noise Extrapolation
- Composing techniques: Readout Error Mitigation and Zero Noise Extrapolation
- Digital dynamical decoupling (DDD) with Mirror Circuits
- Defining Hamiltonians as Linear Combinations of Pauli Strings
- Learning quasiprobability representations with a depolarizing noise model
- Solving MaxCut with Mitiq-improved QAOA
- Estimating the potential energy surface of molecular Hydrogen with ZNE and OpenFermion
- Estimating the potential energy surface of molecular Hydrogen with ZNE and PennyLane + Cirq
- Probabilistic error cancellation (PEC) with Mirror Circuits
- Using ZNE and learning-based methods to mitigate the 1D transverse-longitudinal Ising model
- Robust Shadow Estimation with Mitiq
- Noise Scaling Methods
- Classical Shadows Protocol with Cirq
- Mitigating the energy landscape of a variational circuit with Mitiq
- ZNE on Stim backend with Cirq: Logical randomized benchmarking circuits