Tags: qiskit#
- Breaking into error mitigation with Mitiq’s calibration module
- CDR with Qrack as Near-Clifford Simulator
- Error mitigation with Cirq on IBMQ backends
- Digital dynamical decoupling (DDD) with Qiskit on GHZ Circuits
- Hands-on lab on error mitigation with Mitiq.
- Error mitigation on IBMQ backends with Qiskit
- ZNE with Qiskit: Layerwise folding
- ZNE with Qiskit: Simulation of Loschmidt Echo Revival
- Probabilistic error cancellation (PEC) with Mirror Circuits
- Error mitigation with Pennylane on IBMQ backends
- Use ZNE to simulate quantum many body scars with Qiskit on IBMQ backends
- Low level checks of scale factors and fitting factory (i.e. extrapolation scheme/ fit)
- Linear factory
- Create a time evolution plot up to a certain time
- Using ZNE to compute the energy landscape of a variational circuit with Qiskit